Computation and Waste
Stefan Lang
Stefan Lang

Computation and Waste is a project that combines the capabilities of computational design software with the pressing issue of construction waste. What can be designed when irregular surface structures no longer hinder a design process? By using a 3D-scanner, discarded materials are scanned and collected as data into an archive, which then can be used to create products. The goal is to minimize the need for raw materials when building and when designing on such small scale, and to envision different approaches beyond the standardized and fabricated production.

By using the production material as a prime parameter to guide the design process, I aim to rethink the relationship between design and production.

With the shift in perspective that my project introduces, the construction dumpster is turned into a site of potential use, and waste becomes material for the design process.

I am a system designer that looks for innovative approaches to produce ecologically and socially sustainable outcomes. Being at the beginning of the production process means having the most responsibility to ensure a sensible end result for users and the environment. I am researching how computational design tools can be applied to reuse discarded materials, as the mathematical abilities of the software enable new ways of thinking about how buildings, furniture or products can be built. By using a 3D scanner to digitalize waste, my parametric design systems draw upon the information stored in this archive to create innovative and efficient outcomes. The goal is to shift our understanding of discarded materials from waste to valuable input for sustainable products.